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Brian Keith Williams

Charlotte Immanuel Church of All Nations was founded by Apostle Brian Keith Williams out of Columbus, Ohio.  Apostle Williams stated that “God sent him here to gather the lost sheep in the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:6).   Apostle Williams declared that he heard the voice of God, and that the next move of God would take place in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina.  Thereby, our slogan was birthed, “No More Church as Usual,” as a result of the gathering called, “The Holy Ghost Explosion”.  Charlotte Immanuel Church of All Nations became a reality and the doors of the church were officially opened on March of 2005.  Our first service was held at the 77 Corporate Business Park located at 3401-A St. Vardell Lane, Charlotte North Carolina. 


Apostle Williams has served notably for more than 40 years in ministry as of 2016, with a host of accomplishments credited to his ministry, beginning at the age of 5 years old when he preached his first message.  He was a Crusade Evangelist, accepting the call to the Pastorate in 1985.  Apostle served 29 years as a Senior Pastor of All Nations in Columbus, OH.  In 1998, Apostle Brian Keith Williams was consecrated to the Bishopric and served on the Apostolic Council to the Azuza Fellowship.


In 2009, Apostle Williams passed the mantle of pastoring Charlotte Immanuel Church of All Nations to Bishop Rick Williams.

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Rick Williams Sr.

Bishop Rick Williams, a Marketing Major and a graduate of South Jersey Professional School of Business.  He is also a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Sales Institute and a decorated US Air Force Veteran.  He attended Berean Bible College where his concentration was in Pastoral Counseling. 


Bishop Rick Williams was called to the ministry on October 15, 1975 in Mildenhall, England.  Since that time, he has held various pastoral positions.  In 1986-1987, he was Pastor of Inner-City Ministries of Trinity Assemblies of God, Baltimore, Maryland.  Bishop Rick Williams also served as Pastoral Assistant to Apostle Brian Keith Williams of Columbus, Ohio from 2005-2009. 


In April 2009, Bishop received the mantle from Apostle Brian Keith Williams to lead Charlotte Immanuel Church of All Nations in Charlotte, North Carolina; with his motto for ministry, “There is no law against love.” 


He is the husband of Denise Scott Williams of St. Catherine, Jamaica, and the father of seven beautiful children.  Precious of Charlotte, North Carolina, a registered nurse.  Angel of Baltimore, Maryland, an executive assistant.  Ricky Jr. of Chicago, Illinois, an athletic director.  Joshua of Tampa, Florida, Defense Intelligence Agency.  Candace of Grand Rapids, Michigan, a corporate attorney at law.  Rochelle of Charlotte, North Carolina, a real estate broker and Djenaba of Charlotte, North Carolina, University of North Carolina Juris Doctorate graduate and personal assistant to Bishop Rick Williams.

Senior Pastor
Denise Scott Williams

Pastor Denise Scott Williams grew up a native of Jamaica, West Indies and migrated to the United States at age 19.  She serves with her husband, Bishop Rick Williams Sr. as the leaders of Charlotte Immanuel Church of All Nations, upon receiving the mantle from Apostle Brian Keith Williams in 2009.


Pastor Denise is a strong advocate for education, believing that “Education is one way out of poverty,” and leads with an impressive example by earning multiple degrees herself. She is currently a Doctoral Candidate at Life Christian University, which has been preceded by the following degrees an concentrations:


  • Associate of Arts Degree in Urban Christian Ministries with a concentration in Christian Counseling from New Life Theological Seminary (Magna Cum Laude)

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Urban Christian Ministries with a concentration in Counseling from Charlotte Christian College and Theological Seminary (Magna Cum Laude)

  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Education/Religion from Liberty University

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree (Magna Cum Laude) and Master of Divinity Degree (MDIV) (Summa Cum Laude) in Theology from Life Christian University

  • Second master’s degree at Liberty University (MIS), majoring in Pastoral Counseling and Chaplaincy/Health Care  


In addition to her scholastic accomplishments, Pastor Denise is a Notary Public, licensed in five lines of insurance, a certified Chaplain, as well as a Certified Apartment Manager. She is the Executive Director/Founder of All Nations Charlotte, Inc., a Non-Profit Organization, The Chief Executive Officer of R&DW Enterprises, International, LLC, The President of L&M LoveMur Development, LLC and the President of Goshen Worldwide Publishing Company, LLC.


Pastor Denise is a laid down lover of the Lord Jesus Christ, a wife, mother of natural and spiritual children, a woman of prayer, a life coach and mentor.

Sunday 5/17/23
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